기억 인코딩 및 인출, 감정 처리, 인지신경과학, 뉴로이미징
인지신경과학, 학습과 기억
16동 M408호 / 02-880-9108
서울대학교 생명과학(신경과학) Ph.D.
한국과학기술원(KAIST) 물리학 B.S.
서울대학교 심리학과 부교수
한국과학기술원(KAIST) 바이오및뇌공학과 부교수
한국과학기술원(KAIST) 바이오및뇌공학과 조교수
미국 National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)/NIH Research Fellow
미국 National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)/NIH Postdoctoral Visiting Fellow
서울대학교 Postdoctoral Fellow
한국뇌신경과학회 싸이텍코리아 젊은과학자상 수상
세계경제포럼 젊은 과학자(Class of 2020 Young Scientists) 선정
로레알-유네스코 여성과학자상 펠로십 수상
M. Kwon, S.W. Lee, S.H. Lee*, “Hippocampal Integration and Separation Processes with Different Temporal and Spatial Dynamics during Learning for Associative Memory”, Human Brain Mapping, 44(9):3873-3884 (2023)
T. Kim, I. Shin, S.H. Lee*, “False Memory Confidence Depends on the Prefrontal Reinstatement of True Memory”, NeuroImage, 263(119597):1-13 (2022)
J. Kang, W. Kang, S.H. Lee*, “Stronger Memory Representation after Memory Reinstatement during Retrieval in the Human Hippocampus”, NeuroImage, 260(119493):1-10 (2022)
J. Kang, H. Kim, S.H. Hwang, M. Han, S.H. Lee*, H.F. Kim*, “Primate Ventral Striatum Maintains Neural Representations of the Value of Previously Rewarded Objects for Habitual Seeking”, Nature Communications, 12(2100):1-13 (2021)
D. Park, T. Kim, S.H. Lee*, “Strong Correspondence between Prefrontal and Visual Representations during Emotional Perception”, Human Brain Mapping, 42(7): 2115-2127 (2021)
S.H. Lee*, D.J. Kravitz, C.I. Baker, “Goal-dependent Dissociation of Visual and Prefrontal Cortices during Working Memory”, Nature Neuroscience, 16(8):997-999 (2013)
S.H. Lee*, D.J. Kravitz, C.I. Baker, “Disentangling Visual Imagery and Perception of Real World Objects”, NeuroImage, 59(4):4064-4073 (2012)
S.H. Lee, J.H. Choi, N. Lee, H.R. Lee, J.I. Kim, N.K. Yu, S.L. Choi, S.H. Lee, H. Kim, B.K. Kaang*, “Synaptic Protein Degradation Underlies Destabilization of Retrieved Fear Memory”, Science, 319:1253-1256 (2008)