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한국치매협회 학술위원회 위원
한국심리학회 산하 임상심리학회지 편집위원회 위원
성신여자대학교 심리학과 교수
삼성의료원 신경과 신경심리학실 실장
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최진영, 박은희 (2015). 신경심리 평가. 노인정신의학. 대한노인정신의학회 편. 개정2판. 서울 : 엠엘커뮤니케이션.
최진영 (2018). 이상행동의 기원. 한국심리학회 편. 더 알고 싶은 심리학. 서울: 학지사.
곽세열 , 이다솜 , 조수연, 최진영 (2022). 다차원적 충동성 척도(UPPS-P)의 뇌 연결성-기반 타당화. 한국심리학회지: 인지 및 생물, 34( 2), 49- 66.
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Yoon, S., Yang, Y., Ro, E., Ahn, W. Y., Kim, J., Shin, S. H., … & Choi, K. H. (2021). Reliability, and Convergent and Discriminant Validity of Gaming Disorder Scales: A Meta-Analysis. Frontiers in psychology, 5659.
Kim, H., Kwak, S., Youm, Y., Chey, J. (2021). Social network characteristics predict loneliness in older adults. Gerontology: Behavioral Science Section. 1-12.
Kwak, S., Kim, H., Youm, Y., Kim, H., Chey, J. (2021). Distributed Functional Connectivity Predicts Neuropsychological Test Performance Among Older Adults. Human Brain Mapping, 42, 10, 3305-3325.
Youm, Y., Kim, J., Kwak, S., & Chey, J. (2021). Neural and social correlates of attitudinal brokerage: using the complete social networks of two entire villages. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 288(1944).
Hyon, R., Youm, Y., Kim, J., Chey, J., Kwak, S., & Parkinson, C. (2020). Similarity in functional brain connectivity at rest predicts interpersonal closeness in the social network of an entire village. PNAS.
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Kim, H., Kwak, S., Kim, J., Youm, Y., & Chey, J. (2019). Social Network Position Moderates the Relationship between Late-life Depressive symptoms and Memory Differently in Men and Women. Scientific reports, 9(1), 6142.
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Kwak, S. and Chey, J. (2017). The role of education on the relationship between verbal episodic memory and gray matter volumes in Korean elderly women. Korean Journal of Cognitive and Biological Psychology, 29(4), pp.371-394.
Park, H., Lee, D., & Chey, J. (2017). Stress enhances model-free reinforcement learning only after negative outcome. PloS one, 12(7), e0180588.
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Lee, S., Youm, Y., Kim, H., Kwak, S., & Chey, J. (2017). Homophily of older adults based on amygdala volume. New Physics: Sae Mulli, 67(5), 595-601.
Park, H., Chey, J., & Lee, J. (2017). Vocabulary knowledge is not a predictor of general cognitive functioning in elderly people with very low educational attainment. Dementia and neurocognitive disorders, 16(1), 20-25.
Chey, J., Kim, M. J., Stern, Y., Shin, M., Byun, H. S., & Habeck, C. G. (2016). Neural Substrates of Reserve Observed in a Non-Demented Aging Population. Journal of Alzheimers Disease & Parkinsonism, 6(7), 294.
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Kim, H. and Chey, J. (2016). Aging and Efficiency of Brain Functional Networks: Preliminary Study in Korean Women. Korean Journal of Cognitive and Biological Psychology, 28(4), pp.675-682.
Shin, M. and Chey, J. (2016). Literacy and Cognitive Aging in the Elderly Korean Population. THE KOREAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHOLOGY : GENERAL, 35(3), .435.
Kim, J., Chey, J., Kim, S.E., Kim, H. (2015). The effect of education on regional brain metabolism and its functional connectivity in an aged population utilizing positron emission tomography. Neuroscience Research, 94, 5, 50-61.
박혜연, 최진영 김상은 (2014). 기저 코티솔 수준에 따른 해마의 기능적 비대칭성. 한국심리학회지 : 일반, 33, 4, 815-834.
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Baek, M.J., Kim, H.J., Ryu, H., J., Lee, S.H., Han, S.H., Na, H.R., Chang, Y.H., Chey, J., & Kim, S.Y. (2011). The usefulness of the story recall test in patients with mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease. Aging, Neuropsychology, and Cognition, 18, 2, 214-229.
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김호영, 최진영, 석정서 (2010). 한국판 치매 평가 검사(K-DRS)를 이용한 노인인지기능 평가에서 변화유의성 탐지: 50세 이상 장노년 검사-재검사 규준 연구. 한국심리학회지: 임상, 29, 2, 505-523.
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Kim, M. J., Chey, J., Chung, A., Bae, S., Khang, H., Ham, B., Yoon, S.J., Jeong, D.U. Lyoo, I.K. (2008). Diminished rostral anterior cingulate activity in response to threat-related events in posttraumatic stress disorder. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 42, 2, 268-277.
이영인, 조비룡, 권순만, 최진영 (2008). 일개 지역 노인에서 통증과 스트레스와의 관계. 가정의학회지, 29, 6, 418-423.
Kim, H., Lee, D., Shin, Y. M., Chey, J. (2007). Impaired strategic decision-making in schizophrenia. Brain Research, 1180, 90-100.
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Chey, J., Na., D., Tae, W., Hong, S. (2006). Medial temporal lobe volume of nondemented elderly individuals with poor cognitive functions. Neurobiology of Aging. 27, 9, 1269-1279.
최진영, 이지은, 김명진, 김호영 (2006). 노인용 언어학습검사 (EVLT)의 개발 및 표준화 연구. 한국심리학회지: 일반. 25 (1), 141-173.
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